
  I wanted it to be you.... I wanted it to be you so badly.....

凱薩琳(梅格萊恩飾)和喬 (湯姆漢克飾)是兩個生意上的敵人,彼此看對方不順眼,但是後來卻變成無話不談的好朋友。當彼此都對對方開始產生好感的時候,凱薩琳心中有一個秘密阻止著感情的升溫,就是她有一個透過聊天室認識的雲端情人NY152,雖然從來沒見過面,但是NY152 不但是她的Soul mate, 更在她事業出狀況的時候成為她的心靈支柱。這位在雲端上的情人,是否會阻止現實生活中凱薩琳和喬的發展呢 ?

電影的最後,原來其實喬,就是NY152本人 ..... 當凱薩琳見到雲端情人就是喬的時候,她流著眼淚說 “Iwanted it to be you, I wanted it to be you so badly!!"

故事聽起來或許很老梗,但是導演Nora Ephron就是有辦法把他拍得非常好看.....我一直有一個感覺,浪漫愛情喜劇,還是老電影好看。新一代的浪漫喜劇,不知道為什麼都無法引起我的共鳴,可能是時代的梗不一樣了~~或著對人性的設定也不同了,每次看老電影 就會覺得真的好好看,又好感人~~像是電影中凱薩琳原本的男友法蘭克,其實跟她就不是這麼適合,但是兩的人也沒說破,法蘭克有一天鼓起勇氣向凱薩琳說明其實他並不愛她的時候,凱薩琳的反應是 “ You don't love me?  Me either"  這麼平靜理智地分手,在我心目中也是分手的經典場景.....另一個很經典的畫面跟印象是,喬跟她的前女友一起被困在電梯多時後,每個人都發表了一段感言,電梯先生說,如果他能離開,他要娶她愛的那個女孩,一位抱著狗的女士說,如果她能離開這部電梯,她要重新跟他媽媽說話和好..... 喬的前女友的感言卻是,如果她能離開這部電梯,她要去做眼睛雷射,正當喬要說他自己的感言時,他女朋友突然打斷他說話,大喊“Where is my tic tacs? 我的薄荷糖到哪去了?”  喬這時候才了解,她的女朋也根本不適合他 ....我個人對這幕超級有印象,超級好笑的....



以前在唸書的時候,我記得我的英文老師說要學罵人的話,要看這部電影,因為他們的罵人都不帶髒字,但是卻很有殺傷力!!像是 “You are nothing but a suit"  (你是衣冠禽獸), 重看這部電影的時候,我一直在試著寫下NY152 與 Shopgirl (凱薩琳在聊天室的暱稱)的對話,覺得不但很經典,而且充滿了這部電影的回憶, 電影原聲帶也很棒,而且直到二十多年後的現在,我才知道這部電影其實是在置入性行銷美國網路公司AOL, "you've got mail" 是用戶收到新郵件的招牌問候語~~


Shopgirl wrote to NY152 when her business was threatened by the FOX bookstor

Sometimes I wonder my life...

I lead a small life, well valuable but small.

Sometimes I wonder...Do I do it becasue I like it?

Or because I haven't been brave?

I don't want an answer.

I just want to send this cosmic question to the void.

Good night, dear void....


NY152 wrote to shopgirl when he said something really mean to his  business competitor Kathleen

Do you ever feel you become the worst version of yourself?

That a pandora's box of all the secrets, hateful parts, your arrogance,  your spite, your condescension has sprung open.

Someone provoke you, instead of smiling and moving on, you zing them...


Shop Girl wrote to NY152 when FOX bookstore put her out of business and close her book store

People are always telling you that change is a good thing.

But all they really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all...has happened.


But the truth is, I'm heart broken...

I feel as a part of me has died....and my mother has died all over again.

And no one can ever make it right.


NY152 wrote to Shopgirl after Joe found out shopgilr is actually Kathleen and stood her up

I beg you from the bottom of my heart to forgive me for not being there

for what happened. I feel terrible you found yourself in a situation that caused you additional pain.


Everyone says things they regret when they're worried or stressed.

You were expecting to see someone you trusted, and met the enemy instead.

The fault is mine.

Someday I will explain everything.

Meanwhile, I'm still here, talk to me.





    創作者 珍妮花 的頭像


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