Diary: By Bread David Gates
I found her diary underneath a tree
And started reading about me
The words she'd written took me by surprise
You'd never read them in her eyes
They said that she had found
The love she'd waited for
Wouldn't you know it?
She wouldn't show it
When she confronted with the writing there
Simply pretended not to care
I passed it off as just in keeping with
Her total disconcerting air
And though she tried to hide
The love that she denied
Wouldn't you know it?
She wouldn't show it
And as I go through my life
I will give to her, my wife
All the sweet things, I can find
I found her diary underneath a tree
And started reading about me
The words began to stick and tears to flow
Her meaning now was clear to see
The love she'd waited for
Was someone else, not me
Wouldn't you know it?
She wouldn't show it
And as I go through my life
I will wish for her, his wife
All the sweet things she can find
All the sweet things they can find
這是麵包合唱團的一首老歌, 自從接觸了 「 If 」 這首歌之後, 就在you tube 裡聽了好幾首麵包合唱團的歌曲 ( 超級好聽啊), 這首歌旋律聽起來算蠻輕快的, 沒想到歌詞好沉重啊~ 一個深愛妻子的男人無意間讀妻子藏在樹下的日記之後,才知道自己不是妻子心中的真愛, 最後祝福他的妻子能跟真愛再一起幸福快樂....如果用女性的觀來看這個故事的話, 這個男人真的是想太多了, 日記可能只是一時的心情罷了,他的妻子已經選擇自己, 就表示自己才是妻子的勝出的選擇啊~~~所以沒事不要去看人家的日記好嗎?
麵包合唱團的主唱大衛蓋茲, 真的聲音超美的, 現場自彈自唱如同錄音, 可惜我每次唱他的歌曲吉他Capo 都要夾七格, 以至於吉他好難彈? 然後他們的歌曲除了“If" 之外,其他的歌譜通常不會放歌詞進去,所以我都得花時間後製,以至於歌詞唱起來常常唱錯,因為吉他Tab 位置跟不太到歌詞 .....
PS. 吉他名曲100 裡面的女歌手相對少?不曉得跟那個時代女性尚未完全解放是否有關係,搞得我幾乎每首歌都是要夾capo彈唱,才能讓吉他旋律原味的呈現


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