來了第三個星期、今天才第一次往另一個方向、走路只需要6分鐘的港口、面對Granville island, 黃昏很美麗、(但是也挺冷的⋯⋯)


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今天來到傳說中華人最多的列治文區(Richmond), 不但感覺到了國語都可以通,連華人文化也移民了過來的感覺…..


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It is said that Queen Elizabeth Park is 2nd popular park in Vancouver downtown, most important of all, it's free!! (Most popular one is Stanley park and I will leave it to a sunny day)


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我第一週上課的時候,英文老師剛好有排一個30+的小聚餐,總共去了五個人,我們跟來自伊朗的老師Alan聊天,討論了加拿大政府合法化大麻帶來的影響,以及治安可能因為大麻的合法化變得更不好, 我們的老師非常不認同現在政府的做法,這些在路上因為吸大麻或毒品吸茫的遊民,政府每個月還要給他們一筆錢,幫忙戒毒,也提供住處給他們,這些錢當然就是人民辛苦工作納稅的錢....老師也說,在路上看到這些人,像殭屍一行走的遊民之類的,不用太害怕,因為它們雖然看起來恐怖,但是不會攻擊人,因為攻擊人是要去坐牢的 ,這比較不像目前美國加州把重罪門檻從四百元美金提高到九百五十美金後竊盜變得很猖獗 ,但是偶而在街上或著skytrain上看到這些吸到需要坐輪椅的遊民,還是讓人感到不自在..... (順便提一下這跟三十歲以下EC學生的活動對話內容顯然不同啊~~~果然是大人~~~😅)


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Yesterday my high A teacher Denis asked us to take a guess of the average age of our  class, she guess it’s ~40, and I guessed 42…some guesses less then 40. Everyone wrote down their age in a paper and we calculated it, the result is surprising because it the average age is 45😆, older than everyone,s guess…..

The result told us “ it’s never too late to learn” and it’s true. Many of my classmates they come here to fight for a chance to get a higher salary for their jobs. It’s a little bit different from mine but it did encourage me. I really should make more effort to learn better☝️. So I signed up another week after my trip back form Yellowknife.

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In last week, our work for business teacher Sarah suggested us to go to visit Vancouver Public Library (VPL) , which located on the George street and only few minyby walking.  


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維多利亞的布查德花園(Butchart Gardens) 真的是太美了😍, 怪不得出發前有兩個朋友推薦我一定要去走走~~~

9/16 維多利亞一日遊行程:巴士沿路接旅客-->BC 渡輪 (1.5hr) --> 經過唐人街---> BC 省議會大廈. (停留約一小時)--> 維多莉亞一號公路起點拍照--> 布查德花園(本日重點,停留約兩小時)-->BC 渡輪回程--> 巴士沿路放旅客下車 , 費用:全程含小費不午餐約 200 加幣

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It is important to know about how to order food in English. I remembered I made a stupid mistake in France many years ago....My husband and I were about to order some food in a pancake restruntant, and they friendly gave us an English menu. I couldn't understand most of the words, then I saw a familiar word "Lemon juice"and I thought it was lemon juice, I ordered it without doubt and expected to have a glass of lemon juice to enjoy the drink because I had walked all day long. Then it turned out it was a "lemon juice flavor PANCAKE " 😂......My husnabd took a picture of my look at the time the pancake was served and I will never forget the look😂....

I've tried to memorized some import  English words about food before I came to to Vancouver and of course I'm much better than many years ago ( I think👀)

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